Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stopping the Joy Thief!

We purchase food every month through Angel Foods. It is a wonderful program and good food to boot. We also get a monthly newsletter/magazine when we pick up our food. But there was an article in there called "Stopping the Joy Thief!" that I want to share. I found it a very good article and something for everyone to remember. I don't think I can put the whole article here but I will summarize it for you. If you want to read it in its entirety, go to and there should be a place for newsletters and you can click on that. It is in the Sept. 08 one and nearr the back. While there, check out the menu and you can even search to see if there is a church near you doing the program. We save alot every month on food since we started doing this.

Basically the article states that "worry and anxiety are universal addictions and when we are anxious we begin to abide in a place of worry rather than abiding in God". Phillipians 4:6-7 gives the solution. Apostle Paul says to combat worry and anxiety is to pray about everything. There is no issue in our lives that we cannot talk to God about. He already knows our lives and what is going on so we might as well get on our knees and pray....and trust in Him that He will take care of us and the situation. Another saying I hear all the time is "Let Go and Let God". I like the last sentence "Pray instead of worrying and allow God's peace and joy to flood your soul".

I like this article because I will be the first to admit that I let worry and anxiety overtake me and my life....a lot of "What If's" go through my mind. I didn't even realize how much joy I am being robbed of. I am going to cut this article out and ahve it someplace so I can read it often. I think I will place it in my Bible.

No pictures to show you today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find myself worrying and being anxious too much also. I thank you for the reminder that God is in control. I will strive to not worry and know that God knows what will happen.
How is Missy doing? Did you know that she had seizures or was this an unplesant suprize?