Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just a thought

First off, I want to thank everyone who called me or e-mailed me while my husband was in the hospital. It showed me who my friends really are....the ones I can still rely on when hard times come.

I have had alot of disappointments this week and it is only Tuesday!! I won't go in to details but I have been disappointed by my husband, a friend, and life, in general. I need to figure what in my life is important to me...what should I weed out. This is a process I need to think about and pray about.

This past weekend I went to the arts and crafts thing at the Old Lowe's Building. It was small but this is its first time. They will ahve it in April and November again. I am planning on having a table at tthe April one. I am going to sell Avon, Gifts in a Jar and some things I can make quite easily. I will show pictures as I get things done.

I hope to get my camera's program loaded on my husband's computer so that I can post some more pics on here. I have some Christmas cards I made, the new cat and the new dog that have not been posted yet.

This is short and sweet but maybe next time I will have more to say. Thanks for reading.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

7 Things about me

Here is another questionnaire thing I received. I am suppose to list 7 facts-funny or serious about me. Let's see what I can come up with!

1. I used to ski as a very young child. We lived in Tupper Lake, NY and my father worked for the ski lodge as a First aid person. I stopped skiing at thea ge of 9, and can't ski now....would not even enjoy it.

2. I used to take ice skating lessons and really enjoyed to ice skate.

3. I was a Girl Scout!! Still love those cookies!!! LOL

4. I love to swim and if I may say so, I am not that bad at it. As a child, I took lessons, picked it up real quick and advanced through the lesson groups.

5. I cross-stitch and rubberstamp. I enjoy making cards, ATC's and books.

6. My step-son is severelu autistic. He does not talk and is not potty trained. He is 14 years old

7. I like to cook. My favorite kind of food to cook and eat is breakfast food!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hello out there!!!

I know, I know....everyone thinks I ran away!!! LOL...no, I am still here but life has kept me busy. I wish I could post some pictures for you but I am using my hubby's computer because mine is not working at this moment. I tried to upload my program so I can put pictures from my digital camera to the computer but his won't let me. I will have to see if he can work on it.

What's new here? Well, we added the count in our house by 2. About 2-3 months ago, a family member was moving and needed to find a home for their 4 year old dog so we took her. Her name is Missy Filet Mignion(name she came with). She is a jack russell/rat terrier mix. She has papers because I guess this is a registered breed. She is a sweetheart and very calm for her breed. Then a little over a week ago, we got another cat by the name of Freckles(name she came with). It is a sad story on how we got her. I was reading the local paper, and on the front was an article about a lady(she did not put her name) who was dying of cancer and she had 32cats. In the article, her note said she did not have time to find homes for her 32 babies. So, she placed the cats in plastic bins....3 or 4 cats in each and all their medical information on top and cut a hole on top. She then took them to 5 different vet clinics and left them on the doorsteps. We went to our vets office to look at the 4 they had and came home with the new addition. She is very loving but she "talks" too much!!! LOL. I guess she has LOTS of stories to tell us!! She is 6 years old, spayed but not declawed. She has not clawed at our furniture yet so we will probably not have to get her declawed.

We already had a cat and dog before these 2 additions. The cat, Spikee, I got before I met my husband. She is 7 years old. The dog, Harold, we got 3 years ago from the Humane Society. He is a beagle and about 12 years old, we think. So now our house is full. When we have a bigger house and yard then we can think of getting another dog maybe.

I am working on my Christmas card designs and get them all ready so I can finish them up at my stamp club meeting in November. Hopefully, I will have the program working so I can post them when I am done.

I also have been working on ATC's and have gotten some beautiful ones back from the exchange I was just in. For those who don't know, ATC's are Artist Trading Cards. They are the size of baseball cards and are a small piece of beautiful artwork.

I also have been busy with Avon. Trying to get books out there and items I have here sold at clearance prices just in time for Christmas.

Well, I need to go work on some more boxes and working on making Christmas cards. Have a great day everyone.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stopping the Joy Thief!

We purchase food every month through Angel Foods. It is a wonderful program and good food to boot. We also get a monthly newsletter/magazine when we pick up our food. But there was an article in there called "Stopping the Joy Thief!" that I want to share. I found it a very good article and something for everyone to remember. I don't think I can put the whole article here but I will summarize it for you. If you want to read it in its entirety, go to www.angelfoodministries.com and there should be a place for newsletters and you can click on that. It is in the Sept. 08 one and nearr the back. While there, check out the menu and you can even search to see if there is a church near you doing the program. We save alot every month on food since we started doing this.

Basically the article states that "worry and anxiety are universal addictions and when we are anxious we begin to abide in a place of worry rather than abiding in God". Phillipians 4:6-7 gives the solution. Apostle Paul says to combat worry and anxiety is to pray about everything. There is no issue in our lives that we cannot talk to God about. He already knows our lives and what is going on so we might as well get on our knees and pray....and trust in Him that He will take care of us and the situation. Another saying I hear all the time is "Let Go and Let God". I like the last sentence "Pray instead of worrying and allow God's peace and joy to flood your soul".

I like this article because I will be the first to admit that I let worry and anxiety overtake me and my life....a lot of "What If's" go through my mind. I didn't even realize how much joy I am being robbed of. I am going to cut this article out and ahve it someplace so I can read it often. I think I will place it in my Bible.

No pictures to show you today.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Flower I made at stamp club

This is a pointsetta I made using paper that was punched with various punches. A few techniques and voila...a flower. To color the Christmas bulb, we poured watered down glue then some Embossing Powder. I used gold and a blue color. It would make a nice gift but I think I will keep it for my tree.....selfish of me, huh? LOL

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another fill-in the blank

BOY NAME: Lester
GIRL NAME: Lydianne
OCCUPATION: Lumberjack
COLOR: Lime green
BEVERAGE: Lime diet coke
A PLACE: Long Island
SOMETHING FOUND IN A BATHROOM: Lavender scented air freshner
REASON FOR BEING LATE: Locked keys in car
FOOD: Liver and onions

Monday, September 15, 2008

44 ODD Things

I received this questionnaire in my e-mail so I thought I would share it on my blog. Enjoy!

1. Do you like blue cheese? not really

2. Have you ever smoked? yes for about 3 months when I was 18 and in college

3. Do you own a gun? yes, my hubby has 2 of them

4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? still like lime

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointment? No

6. What do you think of hot dogs? they are okay

7. Favorite Christmas movie? The Christmas Story and A Wonderful Life

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning ? Chocolate milk or orange juice

9. Can you do push ups? No

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelery? the 2 rings my husband gave me

11. Favorite hobby? rubberstamping, cross-stitch

12. Favorite color? turquoise

13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? Sometimes I am too emotional

14. Middle name? Anne

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
1. What am I going to make for dinner?
2. Why am I so tired?
3. What's on TV tonight?

16. 3 drinks you regularly drink? Diet Coke, tea, milk/chocolate milk

17. Current worry? tornadoes/hurricanes

18. Current hate right now? Tornadoes/hurricanes

19. Favorite place to be? Home

20. How did you bring in the New Year? Out to dinner and then a game night

21. Where would you like to go? Europe especially Ireland

22. Name three people who will complete this? Don't know

23. Do you own slippers? Yes and wear them all the time

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now? Light blue with dark blue flowers on it

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Yes

26. Flannel sheets? Yes

27. Do you like chewing on ice? No

28. Would you be a pirate? Sure, why not!

29. What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever I last heard on the radio

30. Favorite Girl's Name? Rebekah Skye

31. What makes you laugh? My friends

32. Best bed sheets as a child? Black and white cats with big red lips on them

33. Worst injury you've ever had? fibula behind ankle...has a pin in it

34. How many TVs do you have in your house? 3

35. Does someone have a crush on you? My husband does, I hope.

36. Your favorite book? anything with Beverly Lewis or Mitch Albom

37. What is your favorite candy? snickers, reese's peanut butter cups, york peppermint patty

38. Favorite Sports Team? Buffalo Bills and Auburn Tigers

39. What song do you want played at your funeral? Several

40. What was the last thing that made you cry? A movie

41. Favorite boys name? Christopher

42. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes....my hubby

43 Would you like to be a police officer? No

44. What is your favorite movie? Grease

Sunday, September 14, 2008

forgot to mention

Oh, I forgot to mention....I changed my playlist so it will be random play. I was tired of coming on here and the same song would start and I am sure all of you did, too. Now, hopefully it will be a variety each time you log on.


I know everyone is waiting for more pictures. And, I would love to post them. I need to post:
1. A picture of our new dog
2. Pictures of some things I have made
They are coming soon....I hope. My computer is still not working and I can't download the pictures on my camera on James's computer. I plan to try to get to Wal-mart and make a CD of these pictures on my camera and then load that on his computer. Hopefully soon my computer will be fixed.

Went to the doctor Weds. to have my wrist looked at. May be carpal tunel. Will find out in the next couple weeks. I have a nerve test this week then will go back and see the doctor for the results. The dr. did give me a brace to wear at night and I just have to say it has made all the difference in the world! I sleep soundly through the night....no waking up because of pain/numbness. I never thought it would make this much of a difference.

Yesterday, I had my stamp club meeting. My friend, N, showed me how to make pointsettas using a variety of punches. The flower came out so beautiful. All the flowers in her book are gorgeous and I never thought the different punches could make such beautiful flowers. That will be another picture to post, too.

Stay tuned for updates.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Once again...a long time posting

Sorry, it has been crazy here. I know that is not a good excuse. I guess I need to set aside time at least once a week to post here. First, I am going to add another getting to know you posting.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:25am because Thomas was awake and the dogs made sure I knew that!!
2. Diamonds or pearls? not sure I care for either
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Mama Mia
4. What is your favorite TV show? I have several but really like Army Wives
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Chocolate Milk
6. What is your middle name? Anne
7. What food do you dislike? Veal
8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Casting Crowns
9. What kind of car do you drive? Chevy S-10
10. Favorite sandwich? Toasted cheese and tomato sandwich or veggie sub at Subway or Quizno's
11. What characteristic do you despise? Lying, Bullying, disrespectful
12. Favorite item of clothing? lounging around the house clothes
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Europe especially Ireland
14. Favorite brand of clothing? No preference
15. Where would you like to retire? Here or in Myrtle Beach
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday? Not sure
17. Favorite sport to watch? Gymnastics, ice skating, swimming
18. Furtherest place you are sending this? not sure
19. Person you expect to send it back first? Not sure
20. When is your birthday? March 27
21. Are you a morning person or a night person? a little of both
22. What is your shoe size? 9
23. Pets? 2 dogs-beagle and Jack Terrier
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Naah!
25. What did you want to be when you were little? everything
26. How are you today? ok but tired
27. What is your favorite candy? reese's peanut butter cups and snickers
28. What is your favorite flower? carnations
29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? Sept. 26
30. What is you favorite pastime? Rubberstamping, cross-stitch
31. What are you listening to right now? TV
32. What was the last thing you ate? pancakes, sausagge and freshly squeezed oj
33. Do you wish on stars? sometimes
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? some shade of green
35. How is the weather right now? Cooler
36. The first person you spoke to on the phone today? James
37. Favorite soft drink? Diet Coke with lime, sweet tea
38. Favorite restaurant? Laredos
39. Real hair color? light brown
40. What was your favorite toy as a child? Winnie the Pooh
41. Summer or winter? neither. spring and fall
42. Hugs or kisses? lots of both
43. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
44. Coffee or tea? tea
45. Do you want your friends to email you back? Yes

46. When was the last time you cried? last week
47. What is under your bed? dust bunnies
48. What did you do last night? talked on the phone and tried to sleep
49. What are you afraid of ? Heights
50. Salty or sweet? Both depending on mood
51. How many keys on your key ring? 3
52. How many years at your current job? 7
53. Favorite day of the week? Friday because the weekend is just ahead
54. How many towns have you lived in? 8
55. Do you make friends easily? depends on the mood I'm in

Okay, got that out of the way!

We got a new dog. My sister-in-law's brother and family were moving across the country and could not take their dog. She is a 4 year old Jack Russell/Rat Terrier. She is a wonderful dog. She sleeps alot, is fairly quiet, is funny, and pretty much well-behaved. We were not sure if it would work out because she and Harold were fighting alot. One fight ended up with Harold having a tear in his ear. But now things have calmed down. Harold and Missy can sleep next to each other with no growling. Missy still tries to chase the cat but if we tell her no, she stops and goes to her "house", which is a cage with some blankets and a comfy pillow. She loves her house and sleeps in there all the time. We sure do love our Missy Filet Mignion!!! Yes, that's her full name.

I have been doing some rubberstamping. I have been working on ATC's(Artist Trading Cards). When they are finished, I will take pictures before sending them off. I love to do ATC's. They are baseball card sized pieces of artwork.

Not much else new. I have been watching the presidential campaigns, and I have to say, I am glad John McCain chose the runing mate he did. She would be so good in office. Together they are a strong team.

Have a great Sunday and remember to thank God today for all he ahs given you.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Where does the time go?

I can't believe I have not written in this blog in like 3 weeks. What have I been doing to keep soooo busy.

Well, 2 weeks ago, James was in the hospital. He had a relapse with his medicine and they had to get everything back in order. He is now back at work and his meds seem to be working.

Thomas went to stay with his grandma and aunt while James was in the hospital. Then he stayed last week, too. He came back Tuesday night then started school on Wednesday. He has made alot of improvements over the summer. What I am about to tell you, if you are the squeamish type, then skip over this part. Thomas, as most people know, is not potty trained at the age of 14. This summer an amazing thing happened, he has stayed dry most of the time and has been pooping in the potty on a pretty regular basis now. He has also let us know when he needed to potty. It is a start and a BIG improvement. He seems to enjoy being back at school.

Friday, I said goodbye to my class of kids. Monday they will all be in their new rooms. I will have 6 new kids that are 11 months old-15 months. I love this younger group. They are so much fun. No more biters at this point.

Today was my stamp club group's monthly meeting. Our program was a shoebox christmas card project. We each had to bring 2 cards to show and the supplies for them to make it. It was fun and we used some neat stamps. When I get a chance, I will upload them on here and post them for all to see. We also ahd a great lunch at my friend, N's house. She made ribs on the grill. Oh my gosh, they were the bomb!!!

Tomorrow I hope to finish up my swap project so I can mail them this week. Then I am not sure what else I will work on. I know I do need to fill out some school paperwork for Thomas.

It looks like I am getting a kitten probably in September. My friend, C, has 6 kittens....some are all black and some are black with white on the paws. Not sure which one I want yet. I need to look at pictures. James wants a male one and I don't care whether it is male or female. I lean towards female cats. If it is a girl, I was thinking of the name Delilah. And, a boy...Samson. But we will see when the time comes.

We went to the Pet Store at Tiger Town to see what animals the Humane Society had there for adoption. They only had 4 dogs. We saw a real cute one and are really thinking about adopting her. But I think we are going to wait. Who knows!

Well, I will close for now. Have a nice night everyone.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

This week's update

This weekend has been a fun weekend so far. Yesterday my stamp friends were here for our monthly meeting. We did some background papers and chatted. It has been awhile since we have all been together so we had to catch up on life. I am hoping to make some cards with the backgrounds. I will take a picture of the background piece before I cut it up for the cards then you can see how I used it.

Today, I started the day making breakfast. We had sausage gravy over biscuits and scrambled eggs. I made lots of gravy so I am going to freeze 2 containers for future use. A quick breakfast or even dinner at another time. Now I am updating blog then I am going to go update my calendar.

I know this is a short post but maybe I will make some cards this afternoon and post again tonight with them.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

This weekend......

has been a relaxing one, for the most part. I was off Friday and my friend and I went to the Scrapbook Expo in Atlanta. I did not buy too much. But, I got some stuff on clearance which was cool. It was also neat to see all the stuff out there. Then we came back to Columbus and I went to stamp club. After that, James picked me up and we went to dinner. Then we went to get Thomas at his grandma's house and headed home.

Saturday, I worked on the room and got alot of it done. I made so much progress that I am happy. In a little bit, I will be hheading in there to work a little bit more in 1 area then I will finish the other area where James's desk will be and we can move the desk over there. And, then move the lamp table by the couch and it will be usable. It will also get the computers out of the living room. And I will have my craft table clear and ready. Then all I have to do is finish organizing the craft closet and voila, you will see more cards I hope.

Then our next chore is cleaning up the back porch of stuff. Putting the Christmas tree and decorations in the closet. And finally emptying our storage so we can save some money per month.

And I want to have a yard sale to get rid of a few things taking up alot of space. And maybe make some extra money.

Then I may have to organize the Avon stuff again, too.

But right now I feel accomplished. Am I ready to go back to work tomorrow? Nope. I wishmy job was to stay at home and create. That would be a perfect job!! LOL

Have a great day!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A card I forgot to post

This is a card I made for my June stamp camp. We were given the 2 stamped images and had to create a card with them. This is what I came up with. I am now working on the July challenge and will post that when I am done.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Hello out there!

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO EVERYONE!!! I am not sure what you are doing today but I am doing stuff around the house. My work was closed today. We are not going anywhere or having a big cook-out. My husband worked last night and is working tonight so he is sleeping most of the day. Actually, he is working 7 nights straight....it will be a great check especially since he gets paid time and a half for the holiday plus he will have overtime, too!! I am going to start cooking in a while as I am making ribs for dinner. My recipe requires parboiling for an hour and then baking them for 3 hours. James made home-made barbecue sauce this morning before laying down. Oh, he also cooked us breakfast while I slept in. What a nice husband!

After breakfast, I started laundry. I also swept the floors and mopped(Swiffered) them because I had new rugs to put down. I bought bamboo rugs on World Market. They are 2'x3' and I got one of each color:brown, seafoam green and a reddish color. I put one by each door and then one in front of the china cabinet. James likes to take his shoes off there and just leave them. Thomas and I were always tripping over them or having to move them to get by. Instead of fighting it any longer, I put one of the rugs there and shoes must stay on that rug. It also gives a little color to our living room/dining room. Everything is a brown tone so this color breaks it up.

This afternoon, I will put Thomas in his room for quiet time and I will work on the extra room. By the end of this weekend, I want to have it straightened out enough so we can actually sit on the couch in there and watch TV and even get to the desk and craft table to work on stuff. And then maybe work on unpacking more craft stuff. That way I can start working on cards and stuff and be able to show more on here. I know that is what you all would like to see.

I am reading alot lately. I am hooked on these Beverly Lewis books. I just finished part 2 in the Abraham's Daughters series. I will start 3. I bought 1, 3, 5on sale. I paid full price for 2 and still have to get 4. Books a million had several of her books on special.

I hope also this weekend to do some cross-stitch. I want to get back into it. It is something I can do while watching TV like I used to do.

Well, have a great holiday and enjoy time with your family and I will try to update on Sunday.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Weekend is finally here!!!

Whew!!! I thought it would never come. It has been a long week!!! I got a new assistant a few weeks ago. She has been okay. Anyways Tuesday, she called in sick and then has not shown up the rest of the week!! So, after 3 days of not showing up, she has been terminated. So, I am back to being by myself. Most days this week I have had 5 kids...my limit. For those who don't know, I work at a daycare with kids ages 14 months-22 months. I have 1 that bites, pinches, wrestles, and pushes the other kids. So when I have to change diapers, I have to put that child either sitting near me or in a high chair to protect all the others. I have 7 on roll but can have 5 by myself. Maybe soon they will hire someone that will actually stay and work!

Tomorrow morning, I am going to run errands....Pick up food at Angel Foods, Books-a-million. Then in the afternoon, I am going to work on organizing the craft closet. I need it organized so I can make Christmas cards and Christmas presents. Because, you know, it is 6 months until Christmas!!! LOL. Also, in September, my stamp club is coming to the house and I would like to have the stuff organized.

I also want to put clean clothes away off the dresser. And then I can put our decorative stuff on there. But at least the room is neat so I can actually leave the door open when people are there and not be embarassed.

Saturday night or Sunday, I will update what I did get done. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My fairy

Your fairy is called Bramble Yewfly
She is a weird enchantress.
She lives in leafy dells and bluebell glades.
She is only seen at midday under a quiet, cloudless sky.
She wears bluebell-blue dresses. She has russet-coloured wings like a brightly coloured butterfly.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Some backgrounds I created

These are some backgrounds I made to use in future cards and stuff. For all of them I used a pearl white and a pearl dark blue color. As you can see, I used the same paints for all but got a very different look in all of them. I used watercolor paper and glossy white for them. The ones with alot of swirly white reminds me of an ocean with a wave. And some remind me of clouds. I am looking forward to creating something with them.

Update, update

Today was my monthly stamp club. There were 3 of us there(we are a small group anyways). Each meeting, we work on a different technique. This one was watercoloring techniques using watercolor pencils, water and adding chalks for definition. My artwork is the one in the middle....the little boy in the sand. I really liked the look of this. I have never tried it before so it was fun to do. We met at my friend M's house. She made us a wonderful oriental lunch. It was soooo yummy and I over-ate. We also used chopsticks and that was fun. I really enjoy this monthly group of ladies.

I was off work Thursday and Friday and it was a nice little break. Thursday, the family went to Columbus. We had an appointment but also ran some errands. We went to A.C. Moore because they ae going out of business and so everything was 40% off. I bought some different stuff. I was thinking of going back around July 4th and see if things were marked down more and see what is left. They are officially closing July 6. I did not buy any stamps because my mom went to her A.C. Moore and a lot of stamps were $2 each and she bought a bunch for me. Thank you very much, Mom.

Friday, I went to the Orthopedic doctor. I have been having alot of knee pain. I was hoping it was not arthritis. Well, it is arthritis but also found out my knee cap is grinding on the bone. The only recourse is inflammatory medicines and/or cortisone shots. When those no longer work, and the pain is unbearable, then it will be time for knee replacement surgery. I did not want to hear that. I am going to hold off the surgery as long as I can....maybe 5 or more years, I hope.

I worked a little in the craft closet yesterday. I got the 2 shelves in place. Now I just have to get the stamp boxes re-organized and labeled so I know what is in which one. I have a few more boxes to get out of there then we will put the Christmas stuff in there. And then unpack other rubberstamping boxes and get everything organized. Then work in the craft/office so I can have my table to work at and we can actually sit on the couch in there and watch TV if we want.

I will be off Friday July 4th because the daycare will be closed. There will not be enough children there to stay open. Yeah!!! Then I am also off Friday July 11. I may be going to a scrapbook expo either the 11th or the 12th.

Well that is it for now. Have a great day!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

An update

First, here is my Father's Day card. The inside text reads "Dad: the man, the myth, the legend." I liked how it came out.

This week, there has not been much going on. Just work and then a few classes. I had a computer class on Tuesday. On Thursday, I had a stamping class. This week, I am off on Thursday and Friday. What will I do? Friday, I have doctor appt. I need to get my knee looked at. I am not sure what I will do on Thursday. Maybe go to Callaway Gardens depending if James has to work or feels like going. Otherwise I may go to Columbus on one of the days. I also would like to go to the movies to see Prince Caspian. Maybe I will even do some stamping. This week I will take pictures of the stuff I made in stamp class to post here.

Today, the retired list for Stampin' Up stamps came out. This year, there were only 3 on my wishlist that I really wanted. So, not too bad. Now I will decide which set I really want. I don't know if I will get all 3....do I really need all 3!!?? LOL.....probably....LOL. But, I have 2 stamp clubs before I can't order them anymore.

Unfortunately, not much else to say. I did see something in our work's newsletter that we get every 2 weeks that I am going to post in this blog. It is about how to get more out of your day. I thought it was good to remember. Sorry I don't have more to say.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A note

In order to hear the song in my post right below this, go to my playlist at the the bottom of the page and hit the stop button(II) so you can hear the song in the post. Make sense???

Something worth listening to

A true 'American Idol'
This is a new and awesome video. Three soldiers wrote the song and put this together in their 'free time' over 'there'. Whoever the Singer is, he needs a Recording Contract when He comes Home! This is a small way we can show our troops we support their efforts, their sacrifice and that of their families. Please pass this on.TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS !Send this around the country to as many people as you can. This is absolutely awesome!This soldier video is new and different. It is moving and heartwarming. Enjoy and pass it on! Click below:http://www.flashdemo.net/gallery/wake/index.htm

Saturday, June 7, 2008

End of Day 1 and.....

what did I do today?

1. All the laundry
2. Emptied the dishwasher
3. Cleaned up the kitchen
4. Re-loaded the dishwasher and ran it
5. Updated our calendars
6. Took a nap
7. Emptied the garbage
8. Straightened up our room
9. Worked on cards a little
10. Relaxed
11. Looked at my new stamp magazine

What will I do tomorrow for sure:
1. Get my Father's Day gift ready to be mailed
2. Avon returns
3. Other mail
4. Work on a card or two
5. Post some cards
6. Look for poem for Father's Day cards for the kids

Stay tuned for more tomorrow.

Friday, June 6, 2008

What am I doing this weekend?

I know you are asking this question....lol. Well, here is the list of what I would like to accomplish this weekend:
1. Laundry
2. empty dishwasher
3. watch DVR recorded episodes of Scrapbook Memories
4. set up craft closet so I can begin to unpack craft boxes
5. put clothes away on dresser
6. set moose collection on dresser
7. get several things ready to mail
8. clean out refrigerator
9. finish up some cards
10. post some cards
11. clean bathroom

Well, I think that covers it for this weekend. How much will I get done? As much as I can or feel like doing. Will I stress if I don't get everything done? I hope not.

I went to stamp club tonite and had a fun time. I enjoyed all the projects especially the make and take. I ordered some cool stamps.

We then went to Fuddruckers. I really like Fuddruckers normally but not tonite. I got a small order of chili fries and they tasted like the chili was burnt. I ate about 4 bites. James took it to the manager and he gave us our money back. But my milkshake was good.

At work: My assistant started on Tuesday and then she was off the rest of the week. She had a graduation to go to out of town. She is suppose to be back on Monday. YEAH!!!

Got some wonderful news: my car is totally paid off. YEAH!!! James's truck is very close to being paid off....probably about 2 or 3 more payments. Woo-Hoo. We have no credit card debt so we are just about debt free now. What a relief!

That's it for tonight. Heading to bed now.

Monday, June 2, 2008

What a surprise!!!!

While I was at work, James said he was doing something to surprise me. I came home only to find a BIG surprise. Let me first explain that one room in our apt. that was still unpacked was our room. There were bag of clothes, furniture wherever....you get the picture. I came home to find the room picked up and all the furniture set up. What a stress lifted off my shoulders. It is so wonderful!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Other things I have made

Left to right:
Picture 1: 2 ATC cards
Picture 2: 2 cards with "delight in life"
Picture 3: Stamp Up Club card I made
Picture 4: Made this card so long ago that I don't remember what stamp I used
Picture 5: Christmas card made at Techno group

Not busy but very productive today

I have been very productive today. Let's see, I:

1. did the laundry

2. made 3 cards....Father's Day card for my dad, a birthday card and a challenge card for stamp group

3. swept the kitchen and entry way

4. made chicken and dumplings in the crockpot

5. gave Thomas a bath

6. went to Wal-mart EARLY this morning. Purchased a few groceries and Father's Day gifts

7. cleaned up the dishes

8. took pictures of cards

9. downloaded pictures onto computer from camera

I cannot show you the Father's Day card until after that day so I will do that then but I can show the other ones I made today.

The bear one is for a birthday card. The other one is a challenge for my Techno stamp group. Last meeting, we made "faux tiles" using shrink plastic(remember shrinky dinks?). So the challenge was to make a card using some of the tiles.
An interesting thing about all 3 cards I did....no stamping was used. All I used was paper, stickers and rub-ons.
The chicken and dumplings were scrumptious. It was a good recipe and one I will make again. And the recipe is so easy....only 5 items and a crockpot. It takes a total of 6 hours to cook but it was well worth the wait. It even smelled so good. I was a little worried before adding the biscuits that the gravy part would be soupy but after adding the biscuits and letting it cook for another hour, the gravy was just right. The only bad comment was it tasted a little salty to me but that could also be because I don't really use salt anyways. I may try low sodium soups next time and see what happens.
While getting the stuff together to work on my cards, I found several ATC's(Artist Trading Cards) and other cards I made in the past. So, I took pics of them and am going to post them too.
Have a good evening.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mmmm...an update

Okay....today is an update for the last week, a few other thoughts, what I want to accomplish this week and whatever else I think of while writing this. Will I babble on and on? Probably. Will you stay for the whole post? Don't know, that is up to you. Will that stop me from writing it? Nope! LOL

Today I went to the movies with my friend, C. We saw Sex and the City. I enjoyed the movie. I do want to own it when it comes out in video. I know you are reading this and if you know me, wondering why I went to the movie. Why, since I am a big Disney family and it is DEFINITELY not a Disney movie for kids! LOL. I like watching Sex and the City on TV. I watch the old episodes. I don't know why.....the show interests me and the characters interest me, too. So, if you want a movie to watch with your girlfriends, I suggest going to this movie.

I only had a 4 day week this week. That was nice because it was a hard week for me. My new assistant does not start until Tuesday. So all this past week I have been by myself in the classroom and of course I have been at my limit. For those that don't know, I have 13 month olds-21 month old. There is 7 on roll but I can have 5 by myself. If you have never worked with this age group, I can't explain what 5 of this age is like. I actually have 5 rough and tumble boys and 2 girls. Out of this group, I have 2 biters who also push, pinch and slap the other kids. I have 2 that whine all day. I have 5 with attitudes. So the mixture can be hard depending which kids are there that day. When I change diapers, I have to take the 2 biters and put 1 in the highchair and 1 sitting at my feet so I can protect all the other kids. But it looks like Monday will be a pretty easy day....3 out of the 7 will not be there because they are on vacation so that leaves 4 boys. 2 of them are only part-time....2 days a week...so maybe they won't be there either. I also have an intern starting Monday and will be there for 2 weeks. So that is my week at work.

Tuesday, I took the Intermediate Excel and loved it. Luckily, she gave us a pamphlet at both classes that is easy to read and understand. Right now I am so proud of myself that I conquered using Excel/spreadsheets. I would try and try to figure it out on my own before and got so frustrated and felt stupid. But I am now so proud of myself and I know I can conquer this computer. This week I have Intro to Word, and next week, I have Intermediate Word. I use Word and probably did not need Intro but I am self-taught and I might have missed teaching myself something important.

On another note, I have been working on my own Mission Statement. One of the items is to only be involved in things that have my heart. Get rid of things that stress me out. So, I made a hard decision....I have decided not to sell Avon anymore. I will keep my account open and order stuff every few campaigns. I will do this for awhile in case I change my mind later and want to start it back up. I realize I will lose my Unit Leader status. And, I hope I don't have a certain friend get mad at me for making this decision. Friend, don't be mad or disappointed in me, please.

I also realize I need to get my office/craft room unpacked. I have been here for 3 months. We can't even use the TV in there or the space. I can't be creative because I can't find anything. So, my goal is to do 1 box a night for the next couple weeks. By, next weekend, the boxes will be done in the closet and I will spend that time setting the closet up and organizing all the craft stuff. I also want to do this so I can get everything together for a yard sale. I also need to shred alot of stuff but I need to find the shredder.

Okay, I have babbled on long enough. I plan to get the stuff together tonight and tomorrow so I can get Father's Day cards done tomorrow. I am also running to Wal-mart in the morning to get a couple things. I am making homemade chicken and dumplings in the crock-pot tomorrow for dinner. It is a new recipe I want to try. I will let you know how it was.

Thanks for staying with me through this long entry. Have a blessed day!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cool quote

Here is a cool quote I found in someone's signature line on one of my craft groups.

"The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protectyou."

I loved this quote. It just pierced my heart and made me realize that no matter where God takes me, He will also protect me. I may feel likeI am all alone or not safe but God will be there. This is a similar feeling as the poem "Footprints" gives me. That is my favorite poem. If you have never heard it, look it up because it is beautiful. Or let me know and I will print it out on this blog for you to read.

Whew! Busy, Busy week......

now over...well, sort of. This weekend will be busy more for my husband than me. He will spend the whole weekend working nights and sleeping days. So, it will basically be Thomas and I all weekend.

I am being lazy today even though I have so much I could be doing....dishes, clean the bathroom, finish clothes, etc., etc. I figure I am off Monday, too so I will spread it out over the whole weekend. I also want to work on some cards that need to be finished.

This week, I took a free computer class the hospital offered. I took Intro to Excel. It was an excellent class and I learned so much. This was something I tried to play with at home but could never get it. I got too frustrated. Now, I get it and I was so thrilled. Next Tuesday I have the Intermediate excel. I also signed up for Intro and Intermediate to Word. I probably know alot about Word but I jsut wanted to make sure. Now that I know Excel, my mind is whirling with all the things I can use it for.....all the organization I can get done. I can organize household expenses. I can organize my cross-stitch magazine patterns. The ideas are endless. I am going to take all these courses that the hospital offers.

They have changed Thomas's medicine. They have upped it a little so as his body adjusts, he has been sleeping alot. Or maybe it is because school is out, he is catching up on all his sleep. Actually, he fell asleep on the couch about 15 minutes ago so I guess he is going to take a nap today. I should use this time to clean the bathroom.....well, maybe in a little bit.

If I get the cards done in the next couple days then I will have something to show here on the blog. I know I have not shown any stamping pictures in a while. Sorry! When everything is not unpacked yet, I don't feel creative. I really need to get in there and take care of that. I guess with no help from my husband, it gets overwhelming.

Actually, I think I will go take a nap while watching TV for an hour or so. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 6am. My body just did not want to sleep anymore.

Everyone have a wonderful day. A day filled with love and surprises from God.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pet Pictures

The cat's name is Spikee-Booh but we just call her Spikee or I call her baby girl. I know it is a unique name and yes, there is a story behind it. If you want the story, ask me sometime. She has a mind of her own and will do what she wants when she wants. I have had her since she was 8 weeks old. She is now 7 years old. If you discipline her for jumping on the counter or something like that, she will spank you back!! ATTITUDE!!!! But, she can also be a sweety once she gets to know you.

The dog's name is Harold. We rescued him from the Humane Society. He was to be a therapy pet for Thomas but he is not too thrilled with Harold. I think it is because Harold is very needy and needs alot of attention and is in your face. Thomas doesn't like that. I think he is a sweetheart of a dog and is so well-behaved. Humane Society had him for over a month and said they found him on the street, and yet he is the most well-behaved dog. Yes, he likes to sleep on furniture. We have a quilt on the chair so he doesn't ruin the chair. That is one habit we could never break him of.....sleeping on furniture!!! We even bought him a large, soft pillow. He sleeps on that but more than likely, he is in the chair!! Oh well, he is an old dog. We have had him for over 3 years and is probably about 10 or 11 years old...maybe older.

So, those are my pet babies.

Haven't been.......

creative yet and it is almost 3pm!!! I did not expect James's family until closer to noon. They called around 8:30 and were 20 minutes away!!!!! So, we got dressed before they got here. They stayed until 11:30. At that time, Thomas and I and the 3 of them headed to Burger King for a birthday lunch for Thomas. He seemed to enjoy his morning. We got back and I decided to put him in the bathtub for 2 reasons: 1. He needed a bath and 2. he was so hyped up that it usually calms him down. He is now suppose to be laying down and maybe taking a nap. Not sure he is doing that. Well, actually, he is quiet now so he may be.

Will I get anything creative done? Probably not today. We will see. Tomorrow is quite busy so not sure I will tomorrow either.

Feeling creative today!!!

I feel like being creative today. So, hopefully after the family leaves and things get a little quiet, I can create.....I can make some cards.....or skinny book pages.....or cut some more letters.....or something like that. Actually, I have some small stuff to do first then I can be creative!!! Anyone else feel creative? Once I am done with what I make, I will post it.

Today is a somewhat busy day. It is Thomas's 14th birthday!!! Can you believe it....14 years old!!! James's mom and sister are coming over sometime today. James is baking him a cake and bought him some candles. We got him a few things but did not go overboard because he has sooooo much stuff. Thomas is my stepson for those who don't know. He is severely autistic. He is more like a 3 year old in a 14 year's old body.

It is not even 8:00am and I am wide awake. Why can't I sleep in on a Saturday morning?? It is nice outside. I have the back porch door open and I am enjoying the cool breeze and the birds singing. Spikee, my cat, is also enjoying the porch, the breeze and the sounds. She loves that porch. She is an indoor cat so it is the closest she can come to the outdoors. There is a chipmunk that runs up and down the back fence and onto our roof and she goes nuts watching him. I think Mr. Chipmunk likes teasing her!!!!! LOL

Oh, I haven't put pictures on here of the dog and cat. I will have to do that sometime. Well, I need to go get a shower and make breakfast for Thomas and I and I have a couple quick errands to do.

Monday, May 12, 2008

What did I do on Mother's Day?

Okay....I have had questions on what did I do for Mother's Day, so I am here to answer that. Basically, not too much. After a scrumptious breakfast, I cleaned up the dishes. Then I spent the rest of the day playing with my Cuttlebug and working on crafts and doing some organizing. I love my Cuttlebug. I was cutting a bunch of alphabets.....the alphabet belongs to my mom so I wanted to cut some before I had to give it back to her. Now I have a bag of cutouts for cards.

I also made a couple cards that I wanted to send out as RAK's to friends who need a little surprise in the mail. I hope they like them. I can't show pictures as I already put them in the envelope....and I can't tell where they are going because that would ruin the surprise.

My husband, James, basically slept all day because he worked all night and had to go to work last night, too so it was just Thomas and I which was fine. I am Thomas's mother not James's anyways!!!! LOL That is the way our weekends are now....Saturday, he sleeps from noon to 4:30 then gets up and gets ready to go to work at 6pm until 6am then sleeps all day Sunday and goes back to work at 6pm until 6am then sleeps most of the day Monday.

And, yes, I got gifts. I got 3 pairs of shorts, Alvin and the Chipmunks movie soundtrack and a craft magazine. My parents gave me a Hobby Lobby gift certificate. Oooh.....shopping spree!!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Made changes

As you can see, I made some changes to the blog. I decided to change the colors and I added a music playlist. I was so surprised I figured out how to add a music playlist! This is all music that I love and I will change it out when I can. Or add more. But enjoy my choices. If you don't want to hear the music then turn off/down your sound. I added the music to make my blog more like home. If you like it or don't, let me know.

There is nothing here to report. Tomorrow, Mother's Day, I will spend the day working on crafts. I want to work on cards that I had started in the various classes I have taken in the last 2 weeks.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Updates, updates, updates

I noticed I have not been on in a while so I thought I would come update before I go to bed. Actually, there is not too much to update but a few things.

James got a new job. His other job was cutting hours. Also, his boss was harassing him and so it was not a nice work environment. He will be working with the security company at Jo-Ann's Fabrics. This company seems more professional and there are more options for advancement.

I am also looking for a job change. This weekend, I will be putting my application in at several school districts around here. I want to be on Thomas's schedule and have the summer off. This way, James can take a full time position with the new company. I would also be happier. I was off for 7 weeks and loved it. Thomas was off 1 week and I enjoyed being with him. I also like the idea of summer's off but still getting paid for it.

Not much else at this time. Sorry it is so short. I am tired and my bed is calling me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Yesterday we went to Columbus to take care of some stuff. We stopped by this Christian bookstore, Sanctuary, after having lunch at Fuddruckers. I was looking around and came to a table with $4.99 books. I have always wanted to read a Beverly Lewis book. There were several of hers there so I picked out 2 of them. One was the first book in a series and the other wasn't. I started the Postcards book and am loving it. She writes fiction books and it circles around the Amish community. Beverly Lewis grew up in Lancaster, PA and that is where the books are based. I recognize the town names, etc as I have visited there quite often. I may spend the rest of the day since I don't feel well anyways laying in bed reading!!! If you want a good read, check her books out.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Saying to remember

My husband and I were watching Snow Buddies this morning. If you haven't seen it yet, it is so cute. We love Disney movies even though we are both in our 40's. LOL. At the end of the movie, there was a wonderful quote I wanted to remember.....it might make a cool quote on a card!

Remember life may lead you where
you least expect it
but have faith that you are exactly
where you should be.
To me, a beautiful quote and so true.
More to come later.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stamp a stack

Here is the picture of the cards I made Friday at stamp a stack. I am sorry the picture is not very good. The card on the right....the ballons one.....has the stripes. That is not scrapbook paper. We glued each strip. She put the paper in the shredder to gt the strips. We then used the Stampin' Up grid paper to line the stripes up. Very cool! I made 5 of each card.

Today, I had a massive headache so I did not do much. I did mount a few of the stamps I ahd sitting here. And, I watched some movies. Now I am cooking dinner for my son and I.

I am going to cut this short because my head is hurting. I will post later when I feel better. Have a good day!

Friday, March 28, 2008

My birthday celebration

My birthday celebration dinner went very well last night. Several of my friends were there.....there were a total of 7 of us including my husband, son and I. A couple friends had things come up and called me earlier in the day to let me know they weren't coming. I was a little disappointed by one friend because the night before she said she was coming and then she never showed up. No phone call or anything. So, when I got home, I called her, text her and e-mailed her and as of tonight I have not heard one word from her. If she had called me during dinner or after to say she was sorry she could not make it, I would not have been upset. Oh well, I guess she will eventually call or e-mail me.

This morning I went to a stamp a stack in Columbus. It was with a Stampin' Up demonstrator. There were only 3 of us and I really enjoyed it. I decided to sign back up for stamp club because it is one Friday a month and a later time so I can actually get there. It starts in May. If I finally unpack my catalog, I can actually look at it but I do know a few things I am going to order in May.

Tomorrow, I will post the cards we made today. We made 2 different designs.....5 of each. I loved both designs. She does the classes on an evening and morning. Since I am off work until April 14, I decided to go this morning.

Until tomorrow, have a good night.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

sharing a picture I love

This picture is one that I love. It goes along with the book I am currently reading: A Shepherd's Look at Psalm 23". Just to see the tenderness in His face towards the sheep, makes me realize that He shows that same tenderness to us. What an awesome God we have!!
Well, today I am 1 year older. Do I feel 1 year older? No. I don't even feel my current age....I feel younger. I guess that is a good thing. So, what is in store for my special day. Not much. I have been watching TV and dozing this morning because I stayed up late last night. I am heading to take a shower. Then I think I will take a break from unpacking boxes and pull out what craft stuff I have found and just play with the stuff. And maybe put some Stampin' Up stamps together....if I find my scissors!!! LOL. I still haven't found any of my craft scissors. Oh, and have a little lunch. I say little because we are going to dinner at a restaurant called Provino's tonight. We like to go to Provino's on birthdays because the birthday person gets their meal free....can't beat that. It is an Italian restaurant. Italian is not my favorite but if its free, I'll eat it!!! LOL. I am getting my favorite there tonight...eggplant parmesan.....Mmmmm. A bunch of friends are coming along with my hubby and son so it will be fun.
Not much else to report so I am going to go shower and start my day....at 12 noon!!!! LOL
Love you all and thanks for reading my little world!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another example to show you

Here is another technique I did around Christmas time at my stamping group. My friend, N, showed us this one. It is the wax paper resist technique. I love the way it looks. I proceeded to make some ATC (Artist Trading Cards) using this technique. I have used other colors....brighter colors.
Today we did a couple errands and took Thomas to the dr. for his annual physical. He had to get 3 shots. He did very well, too. Tonight, I will do some more unpacking. The more boxes I get unpacked, the more my friend, C, can have!!!! LOL
I know this is short but I have some stuff to get done. Enjoy ther est of your day.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Little About Me

I thought I would share this with everyone. It is a good way for others to get to know me.

1.What time did you get up this morning? 9:30am
2. Diamonds or Pearls? Both
3. Last Movie You Saw? George of the Jungle and Cheaper by the Dozen(saw them today on TV)
4.What is your favorite TV show? Big Brother, Little People in a Big World, Jon and Kate plus 8, House Hunters, My House is worth what?, Carol Duvall, Scrapbook Memories. I also like alot of shows on Food Network and HGTV.
5. What do you usually have for breakfast? A glass of chocolate milk and cereal, bagel or eggs
6. What is your middle name? Anne
7. What food do you dislike? VEAL!!!!!!
8.What is your favorite CD at the moment? Cast and Crowns
9. What kind of car do you drive? Chevy S-10 or Hyundai Elantra
10. Favorite Sandwich? Grilled Cheese with tomato, baked veggie sub
11. What characteristic do you despise? Hypocrite, liars
12. Favorite item of clothing? Pajamas
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? European tour
14. What color is your bathroom? they are both white. One has a tropical fish theme and the other has a purple/butterfly theme
15. Favorite brand of clothing? no particular
16. Where would you retire to? Most likely stay here but would alos love a condo in Myrtle Beach
17. What was your most memorable birthday? My 21st birthday which was a surprise party that my parents threw for me
18. Favorite sport to watch? College football sometimes, ice skating, gymnastics
19. Farthest place you are sending this? whoever reads my blog
20. Who do you expect to send this back? Most likely no one unless they want to
21. Person you expect to send it back first?
22. Favorite saying? Whatever!
23. When is your birthday? March 27, 1965
24. Are you a morning or a night person? A little of both
25. What is your shoe size? 9 or 9 1/2
26. Pets? 1 dog and 1 cat....getting a kitten in about 6 weeks so that will make 2 cats and 1 dog
27. Any new or exciting news you would like to share with us? Not really
28. What did you want to be when you were little? A nurse, mother, teacher and airline hostess
29. What are you now? Mother and Childcare provider
30. What is your favorite candy? Snickers, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Ferrero Rocher
31. What is your favorite flower? Carnations especially colored ones
32. What is a day on the calender you are looking forward to? not sure
33. What church do you attend? Looking right now
34. What is your full name? Lynn Anne Bosman MaGill
35. What are you listening to right now? Big Brother
36. What was the last thing you ate? Barbecued chicken, potato salad, corn at around 3pm but I am going in a minute to ahve a bowl of Rice Krispies.
37.Do you wish on stars? Not really -just sometimes dream when I am looking at them
38. If you were a crayon,what color would you be? turquoise
39. How is the weather right now? it's night-time
40. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My friend, C.
41. Favorite soft drink? Diet Coke with lime or diet coke plus
42. Favorite restaurant? Jim Bob's, Niffer's, Country's
43.Hair Color? Light brown
44. Favorite Day of the year? Christmas or Easter
45.What was your favorite toy as a child? dolls, Barbie dolls, Winnie the Pooh
46. Favorite season? Summer or Winter? Summer in NY and Winter in AL
47. Hugs or Kisses? Both
48. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate milkshakes
49. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back? If they want to
50. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday
51.What did you do last night? Watched TV then went to bed
52. What are you afraid of ? Losing those I love
53.What kind of popcorn is your favorite=plain,buttered or salted? Butter with salt
54. How many keys on your key ring? 10
55. How many years on your current job? will be 7 in August
56. Favorite day of the week? Friday because no work for 2 days
57. How many towns have you lived in? 9
58. How many states have you lived in? 3
59. How many times have you moved in your lifetime? 9
60. Do you make friends easily? Usually I can, but it takes longer to build a TRUE friendship with people I Truly TRUST and believe in.

baby wipe technique

This is a baby wipe technique I did in a class I took. You can't see very well but behind the flower, is some light color. To do this, you take a baby wipe, put a few dots of dye ink refill. Then you go straight down your cardstock and it makes a streak of color. The more pressure you put, the darker the color. I prefer the lighter color. Everything in this card is Stampin' Up.
I really like Stampin' Up products especially their cardstock. But pretty much all my stamp pads are from them, too. I also have several stamps from Stamp Land....another company I like. I like to go to rubberstamp festivals because I can see all the new stuff. Around here, we just have Hobby Lobby, Michael's and A.C. Moore. Not much in a variety of stamps. The closest rubberstamp store is in Atlanta which my stamping group has made 2 trips to and I did buy a few things.
Ah....I wish I could win the lottery so I could buy all the supplies I want....lol. It is always good to dream...lol.
Happy Easter to everyone. This is one of my favorite holidays. Not for the candy, decorated eggs or bunny but for the real reason we celebrate. It reminds me of what Jesus did for each one of us. So, may we each not forget his dying love for us.

Friday, March 21, 2008

work in progress

My blog is still a work in process. I added some more to the side. I don't have any current pics as I can't do any card-making right now until I unpack. LOL I hope to take some pictures of my cross-stitch works in progress and then hopefully pictures when I finish a project!!

Next week I will have some cards to show. Friday, I am going to a stamp a stack in Columbus. It is the day after my birthday so it is part of my present from James. Then the first Friday in April, I will be going to a stamp a stack in Auburn. So, at least I will get some cards done to have for people.

The picture I added to this is a masking tape technique. The first card I did to show my Techno group how to do it. The second card one of the members, M, did. I showed them how to do it then they made their own. This was her interpretation. I think it is so creative.

My Techno Group is a group of ladies that meet the second Saturday of every month to share the love of stamping. We show each other different techniques and other stuff. And, sometimes we just sit and chat and do nothing. We are very laid back. There are only 4 members right now and 2 of us live in Alabama and 2 in Georgia. I am the only one that lives in the Central time zone, though...lol. I live so close to the Georgia border and right over the central time zone.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

One of my books I am reading

I have been reading a book called "A Shepherd's Look at Psalm 23". This is the 2nd or 3rd time I have read it. Each time I see something different. Basically the author takes each verse and digs in and shows you what is meant by it. As the author states at the beginning, if you are not a sheep herder, you would not understand the references in it. Each night, I read 1 chapter so I thought I would share some insights here. If you are not interested in this part then just skip over it. I will post rubberstamping and stuff, too. Tonight I wills tart with typing out Psalm 23 for you.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall
not want
He makes me lie down in
green pastures;
he leads beside still waters;
he restores my soul.
He leads me in right paths
for his name's sake.

Even though I walk through the
darkest valley,
I fear no evil;
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely, goodness and mercy
shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of
the Lord
my whole life long.


Hello all....

Welcome to my new blog! I decided to start a new one. Over time, there will be pictures of rubberstamping, cross-stitch, my new place, and whatever else I feel like posting. I am posting 1 picture now. This was a technique we did using Createx paint and the smoosh technique. I love doing the smoosh technique with all different products. You come out with a different background each time. The colors on this one look so good together. I have done it with other colors, too but I seem to go abck to the pinks, purples and light greens. I have also tried different papers. Each type of paper and color give different effects.

On another note, I head to the doctor's today to see about my foot. For those that don't know, I fractured my foot. I have been out of work for about 4 weeks now.

March 1 we moved to a new duplex. We now have a 3 bedroom so I have a craft room/office which I will share with James. It will also be used as a sort of den. There is a couch and TV in there, too. But the walk- in closet is a place I wil be able to organize my craft stuff. I am putting 2 shelves in there to help with that. Now I just need to get all unpacked.

Avon is going fine. Being out of work, I have not been able to pass out books at work. I have some people in our new neighborhood that want a book so I need to get those out.

James met some of the neighbors while walking Harold. They have get-togethers in the summer and invited us to come to one. He also found out that one of them scrapbooks and she wants to get together sometime to scrapbook. Sounds like fun!

I got word last night from my friend, C, that the kittens have been born. We will be getting one when they are ready. She said 2 are grey and 2 are black. I can't wait to see them and pick the one I want. Yes, we are getting one. The black one sounds intriguing. Now I have to pick a name. I have a funny one like Pergo. This is because we saw a commercial for pergo floor and the couple named their dog that because it was the one thing he could not ruin. And, I have a few others I like. In fact, I think I will get your opinion. When I decide which color kitty I get then I will post a poll for all of you to vote. LOL...commercial just came on for Pergo flooring and the dog....LOL

Next week is my birthday. My mom already bought me my present before she left in Feb. She bought me a cuttlebug which I love. I can't wait to play with it more. I like that it uses other dies like Sizzix in it. I will be experimenting with it. My husband is getting me a crop-a-dile and case.

Well, I better go unpack. I want to get my craft stuff organized so I can create cards and stuff. I also have to work on my skinny pages for our skinny book.